I'm an aspiring writer and am working on a novel set pre, during and post World War One following the story of a nurse and a soldier. When I'm not working on my novel I write fan-fiction and you can find me over at fan-fiction.net. My pen name is jewelsbyers and I write fan-fiction for Twilight. Yes, I know that a lot of people think Twilight is old news, but I really like it. If you want to read some of my fanfiction head over to my other blog here: http://jewelsbyersffcentral.blogspot.com/ and you can follow the links to some of the stuff I write.
OK, I'm going to stop writing now and hopefully I'll get some more stuff up during the week. Also, I'm a very random person, so some of the stuff I put up here might be really weird! Bear with me, I make sense eventually.
See ya,
Australian Kiwi