Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Have you seen the BANNER?! :D

If you haven't then look at it, go on, look! Look! LOOK! 

Isn't it the most amazing thing you have ever seen! Of course it is! Now, I'm not going to take a smidge of credit for it, because it was made for me by the amazing Michelle (http://crazycatastrophes.blogspot.com/). Honestly, if she'd let me pay her for all the work she did on the banner, I would have. 

Thank you so much for making this for me, Michelle. It was very fun, very frustrating and I had a great time, I hope you did too. :)

You have a bright future ahead of you in graphic design. I know it!

~ Australian Kiwi

1 comment:

  1. The jpeg format's made it a little fuzzy and iffy. :S but otherwise, thanks. I did have fun. :D
