Or, that's part of my New Year's Resolution for 2011 anyway. Next year, which will arrive in Victoria, Australia in approximately two hours, I have decided that I am going to judge people on how they act rather than what they say or what is said about them. So, if X says that Y is a cheap skank, I will wait and meet Y before I judge them. It might be a hard thing to keep, but I'm going to try. Do any of you readers and followers have a New Year's Resolution? If so I'd love to know what it is. Just comment beneath this post if you're brave enough ;)
~ Australian Kiwi
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
So, I got a letter for VTAC this morning saying that LaTrobe University is considering me a scholarship for next year. It finally feels like something has gone right!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Early Acceptance
I am very excited because an early acceptance letter arrived in the mail today offering me a conditional place at LaTrobe University to study social work next year. That takes a lot of pressure off me knowing that, as long as I get an ATAR over 50, I'll be going to uni next year. Now, if my Atar results would just arrive... But that's not going to happen unti lthe 13th. I wish anyone else waiting for results and uni offers the best of luck.
Australian Kiwi
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Lock Island
I put a towel down underneath a gum tree, put my headphones in my ears, put my iPod on shuffle and then lay back and closed my eyes behind my sunglasses. A kookaburra laughed and I laughed with it. I sang along to Missy Higgins 'All For Believing' while a bird whistled in a tree above me. I did absolutely nothing for over two hours and I loved it! I highly recommended it to anyone feeling stressed or lost. Go to The Great Australian Ice-Creamery first and get yourself a double scoop of your favourite ice-cream and then walk down to Lock 11, you'll have finished your ice-cream by the time you get there. Cross over the gates of the Lock and then walk around the island until you come to a little 'beach' area. Then just lie down and do nothing. Incredible relaxing.
Australian Kiwi
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Crazy Student
What the hell is a crazy student? I'll tell you. It's me! I have set up a blog on tumblr which I will update once a week until uni starts and then more frequently once I am a uni student. Crazy Student will detail all my adventures through uni, Australia Kiwi will detail my adventures outside uni. You can visit Crazy Student and see what I've got so far here:http://crazystudent.tumblr.com/

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