Sounds a little strange, doesn't it: kismet. The word has its origins in the Persian word
qismat, which means 'division, portion, lot, or fate' depending on its context. In English, the word
kismet means 'fate, or destiny'. Now, before you head over to a new browser window because you think I'm about to go off on some New Agey rant, I implore you to read a little further down this page. Please?
On the night of the 12th June, I prayed to the Lord for guidance as I embarked on a new stage in my life. Then, last night, my dad and I sat down and had the most wonderful talk about my future possibilities, goals, aspirations, and ideas. Something that came up in the discussion was the possibility of going back to New Zealand (back home, as it is, because I am originally a Kiwi and always a Kiwi at heart), and doing some work over there. Then my old dream of being a chaplain in the defense forces came up, and then it was like a lightening strike. I can't become a chaplain in the Australian Defense Force, because I'm not an Australian citizen and it's very hard for me to become one, but I
am a New Zealand citizen, and I
could become a chaplain in the New Zealand Defense Force. It was the most amazing realization to come to, that just because I couldn't do something in Australia, didn't mean I couldn't do it at all.

This morning, I looked back through my Spiritual Journal and got a shock when I found out that my guardian goddess for Gemini (the current star sign) is Penthesileia, the Amazon warrior queen from Greek Mythology. And, on a magical night earlier this month, when I read goddess cards, I drew Penthesileia again! Penthesileia was a female warrior who followed her inner wisdom and instincts, both in combat and when the Amazons were at peace. She knew what she desired and fought for it, never giving up until she had within her grasp the thing she had worked so hard for. She urges me to do the same, to be true to my inner feminine wisdom, and to fight for what I desire, to work for it. I do not believe it is a coincidence that she is watching over my this star-sign and my old army dreams have risen to the surface again.
My Penthesileia Goddess Card
I feel like I am, for the first time, really allowing the spiritual forces to guide me, and show me the right path to walk. No longer to a pray for guidance and then balk when it comes my way, I feel like I have taken the first steps along the path God and I have designed together, and this is only the beginning.
Sometimes, it can only be kismet...
~ Australian Kiwi