Friday, March 4, 2011


Life isn't easy, in fact, life is really hard. We dwell on our mistakes and worry about our losses, we live in the past when we should really be thinking about the future. When live throws a curveball our way, we have to catch the ball and make it into something else, something good. Whether that curveball is mental illness, divorce, a death in the family... whatever it may be, it's there for a reason. So what if you've been diagnosed with anxiety, you can still do amazing things with your life! I can't really explain this, but I know that, in my heart of hearts, I've made the right choice and I"m going to sleep well tonight. Today has been about making choices for me, some of them really big. But I've mapped out a path for myself and if I fall off the wagon tomorrow, so what? I can always get back on again. So what if I don't get a part time job for another six months, I will get one eventually. I am a strong person, I can handle anything that comes my way and I can't believe it has taken me this long to figure it out. I'm not living this life by accident! I'm living this life on purpose! I wasn't some random thing thrown into a random world, I was put here for a reason and all the challenges I've had to face have been put there for a reason. They're to show me that I'm strong and that I can do anything I set my mind to. That's all from me tonight, but just remember that, no matter how bad it gets, your life is worth something and someone out there will appreciate you one day for everything you do and everything you have done and you will help people. You are an amazing person.

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