Monday, February 20, 2012

Tears on my Keyboard

Currently, I am sitting at my computer working on the first draft of a novel, writing a section where the wife of a warrior succumbs to childbed fever after the death of their newborn son. To tell you the truth, it is heavy going, I've got tears running down my cheeks as I write the scene of their final parting. I have lived and breathed these characters for so long that I feel like they are part of me, and killing off this woman feels like killing off a part of me. I can feel her husband's pain as he holds her hand and tries to calm her while she calls out in her fever, and I can feel as his soul is ripped to pieces when she slips away. Maybe I'm getting too deep into my writing, but maybe not, if I live and breathe these characters than perhaps they will feel more real to my readers. Well, I'd better get back to writing, there'll be a few more tears before the end.

~ Australian Kiwi

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